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Throughout the summer, we welcome guests and visitors who support our programmatic needs and goals. This includes community partners such as clergy and synagogue team visits, as well as visits by leadership in the Conservative Movement, foundations, federations, trainers, educators, and stakeholders.

Additionally, we hold an in-person Visiting Day in Lakewood, PA at the end of first session. Details about this day are shared with families of enrolled campers as we approach the summer.

We no longer host current camper parents for overnight Shabbat weekend visits. From an operational standpoint, as our program continues to grow, there is a need to hire additional summer staff and fully use our housing options to support our program. Additionally, there is a growing trend in the camping movement to maintain the routines and rhythms of the camper’s experience. It is our philosophy that camp is an intentional place. The invaluable skills of growth, independence, and maturity gained at camp are the result of the ‘camp bubble’ created through purposeful protocols and a strong reminder of the reasons why you send your child to Camp Ramah in the Poconos. We can’t wait for you to see camp through your child’s eyes on Visiting Day and at the end of the summer and appreciate your support and understanding of our new approach.

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