Lice Policy & Procedure:
Everyone who will be part of our camp community as an employee or camper must be screened for lice upon arrival. If nits or lice are detected, immediate treatment is necessary, and any items brought to camp that day must also be treated to prevent re-infestation.
Professional treatment services will be available to staff members who arrive with lice or nits. It is important to note that any staff member who declines treatment will face potential dismissal from their position.
Before camp begins, we will require consent from a parent or guardian for any potential lice and nit treatment needed for their child. Please note that campers will not receive treatment without parental permission. If a camper is found to have lice or nits upon arrival, the costs associated with the required treatment will be the responsibility of their parents. We will make every effort to contact parents when treatment is necessary; however, we will not delay treatment and will proceed based on the consent document signed prior to camp.
For those who wish to handle treatment differently, parents have the option to pick their children up and take them to a professional lice treatment center of their choice. Camp Ramah in the Poconos requires that all lice and nit treatments be certified by a professional lice treatment center. Alternatively, we will accept appropriate documentation that confirms successful treatment and verification that the camper is lice and nit-free.
It is important to note that staff members are not permitted to treat their children for lice or nits themselves while at camp; they must follow the same policy as all campers, utilizing our contracted professional service or one of their choosing outside of camp for treatment and/or verification.
For campers and staff treated at camp by our contracted service, any items they brought that day will undergo heat treatment. Items that cannot withstand heat treatment will be securely bagged for a minimum duration of 3-5 days. Items that were sent to camp a week or more prior to arrival will not require treatment.
Campers or staff with lice infestations that cannot be reasonably treated in the camp environment may be asked to leave camp until the lice have been successfully treated.
This decision will be made in consultation with the Medical Director and Camp Directors.
2025 Lice Treatment and Prevention Center Information and Costs:
Use of Flosonix Heater Device: All treatments will exclusively utilize the Flosonix heater device to ensure effective and consistent results.
Treatment Follow-Up Schedule: A follow-up oil treatment is scheduled for the 3rd and 7th day post the initial treatment to ensure efficacy and prevent reinfestation.
Recheck and Retreatment Policy: LT&P (Lice Treatment & Prevention) will schedule a recheck within 2 weeks of the initial treatment. If necessary, a full treatment will be conducted without any additional charges.
Treatment Rate: $275 per camper (includes initial treatment, plus all follow-up treatment and checks).
Sibling Discount Rate: A special price of $200.00 is applicable for preventative treatment for siblings when a sibling presents with active head lice at the initial check-in.
Regular Sibling Treatment Price: In cases where head lice or nits are found in a sibling or siblings at the initial check-in, the regular treatment price of $275 will be applicable.
It is the Parent’s responsibility to:
check their child’s head carefully for lice and nits during the week prior to sending their child to camp
have their child treated for any lice or nits found prior to sending their child to camp, including nit removal
notify camp on arrival day if camper has used lice treatment products in 72 hours prior to arrival at camp
provide documentation from a professional lice treatment service of any treatment provided or lice check conducted (with result), not more than 2 days before camp
It is Camp’s responsibility to:
educate all parents & staff members on camp’s lice policies & procedures in advance of camp
screen all campers and staff at the beginning and end of camp; additional screenings will be scheduled as needed
provide at camp treatment options, nit removal & follow up with as little disruption to the camper or staff member’s schedule and with the utmost care and consideration
assist with the treatment of personal items